Thursday, July 2, 2009

I am back

Ok its been sooooooooooooo long but so much has happened and some of it sad, some of it just darn time consuming and others of it just doing my head in literally!

First off I just didn't know where to start after we lost the big G in Nov. He truely was a blessing in all our lives and one that will be missed greatly and fondly remembered. I guess I was just truely blessed to have him in my life and my kids got the bestest grandad in the world.

Any how everyone is doing well and gearing up now for the cold weather as winter is hitting us here down south nicely now.

We had our first snow just before cam's birthday in June. Cam loved it, and I wish we had more so he could have made a proper huge snowman and Charli ....well she couldn't wait to come inside after ten mins coz her hands were frozen LOL.
Ok I will come back later when I have some more time but here are some pictures of the last six months that I can find right now on computer.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Big news

Cam had his soccer break up today and he got "most improved player" for the season....woohoo he so deserved it. Its like this year he just clicked ith soccer and amazed us every game with his skills and love for the game and his team. Rock on Cam! Willget some pictures of him with his first ever award to keep. He is still getting his head around the fact that he gets to keep it forever LOL...too cute.
Matt doing charlis hair lol
Charlis first time at pool

Charli trying to put her sock on LOL

Friday, September 5, 2008

August has gone...where did that time go?

Where did august go? I think I blinked and missed it totally.
Anyway the computer is crying out to be decluttered so best post some more pictures before I off load them to disk.
Cam had a mini world cup for soccer..For this they had three 10 miin games. His team won 2 draw 1 so fab outcome. His team has done so well over the season only loosing one game due to most of us parents thinking the game was canceled as it was raining that morning. Try tell Cam his has lost a game is like getting him to eat veges all day LOL. So on their last game they were already talking about playing next year. They had 2 young boysMicheal and Matthew(well they are probably 19 LOL) coaching them again this year and the whole team just loves them to pieces! And yah they are planning on coaching them again next season but one(Micheal) is going to Brazil for most of the season to further his own soccer career. Amazing boys anyway!

Charli and my walk to the beach..we decided to go for a walk before picking up Cam from school due to little miss only sleeping an hour at lunch time. Charlotte lovedthe walk, esp since she was wearing her new dora sandles LOL....abit big but a girl kows what she wants. Oh and she loves her taggy blanket at the mo too so that had to come with us as well

Cams sleep over....Cam had his first ever sleep over last weekend at his friends Oliver's house. WE dropped him off a 12 on sat and he was there til sun nearly 4 oclock. I felt like a very neglectful mother not having my son all weekend. Anyway he was fab and I didn't even get my night phone call like I thought I might. He went on this kids 4 wheeled motor bike on the sat..wicked aye! And then the next day they did all sorts inclucing pool and hydro slide. Cam came back buggared! He lost the plot about 30mins after returning home! Try telling him he was tired but that didn't go down well. Anyway after another 30mins he found some sense and just chilled out abit. Over all a very successful first sleepover.

Mean mummy moment LOL... Ok so charli's hair always looks like a mess so we just helped her along by adding som props LOL...she loved it.

Charli at rainbow coffee group ....having alittle moment..she was coming over to me to have a wee sulk so I got the camera out and shot her movements ...mean mummy!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Another....yes another

The 13th of Aug was an early start for Matt and I as we headed to Mercy Hospital for Charlotte's grommet op. She was blissfully unaware of anything odd and thought the idea of going for an early morning drive was just dandy. Though she woke up earlier than normal (5.45) she only asked Dad for toast once and was happy with the "not yet" answer.Totally will give Mercy hospital the top rating for children's service and care. They all were amazing. Charli fell in love with a ride on car as soon as we got put thru to the waiting ward. She was first on the list so Matt got the lucky job(again)of holding the child while getting gassed out. I so wish I had taken the camera not only to get pictures of Charlotte looking so cute in the kiddies op gown but of Matt looking super sexy in the theatre scrubs LOL......nice! But All went really well as they only gassed her so not GA needed as she was only out for 15mins. When called thru she was the one screaming with a lovely nurse comforting her. I took over and she continued to scream for a go 20mins. Matt and my arms were tired after. We got to head home by 9.30 so very pleased to have that out of the way and have seen a happier girl since....such a great outcome!
Got some pictures of Charlotte at home not long after. She got given a "Maddie the mercy bear" to bring with cute.

Just like time repeating itself here. I so have very similar pictures of Cam doing the same thing. Well actually I think Cam got his whole head in the bowl but Charlotte was close I tell ya. LOL you think I would worry about what was floating in the bowl of the dog (Tyson's) w
ater but no I run inside to get the camera haahahaha.

Monday, August 11, 2008

ok ok I know another post so quick

I know its not like me to post so close together but I am just sorting out the mess in my photo files and what do you know ....I have heaps and heaps to share ! Plus it was a not too bad day here on Sunday so finally got to take our poor house bound kids out to the park. So had to take Camera too.

This is a must share picture...OMG can you see the look on Charlotte's face...this is not her going mad, crazy or having a devil its her trying to push my flash down on my camera when it automatically pops up. I tell ya, its hard getting a picture of her when she thinks so gotta do that!

And the famous hand action shot from Cameron...he is sooooo cool!

At the park on sunday.for some reason Cameron is trying to bolt from the camera at the I quickly told him he couldn't moan if I do not Scrap pages of him if he won't let me get some nice pictures LOL..I managed a few sneaky ones though.

And this is Charlotte's new past time activity! Wrestling her brother too the ground, half suffoca
ting him and not moving off him LOL...he loves it until he finds it hard to breathe.

Cute family one LOL..minus the person holding camera as normal

Saturday, August 9, 2008

just to tell ya

LOL I have another blog thru wordpress that will hold all my scrapbooking info,ideas, and woes of learning the art, oh and plus my completed layouts too
enjoy it if your interested and add a comment so I know who has been nosey hahaha

Wow where has time gone!

Ok its time for this slack mum to blog some new pictures to keep all the lovelies happy! LOL

Have just had 3 way interviews at Cam' s school last week and he is doing fab. Jumping leaps and bounds in learning in all aspects. Got told he is doing really really well in maths ....gee don't think he got that of me and Matt said not him either. So overall w are so happy with how his first half of this year is going.
Charli is loving rainbow preschool..well when she can get there. She has had heaps of issues with her ears and on WEd this week (13th Aug) she is getting grommets put in so hopefully she can get back to her cheeky self with out ear pain.

Cams 6th birthday..yes my baby is 6 OMG..
6 years ago on 19th June my teeny tiny boy looked like this..can ya believe or even remember?

And now looks like not so prem looking now LOL but not sure he ever did look to prem!

For his birthday this year Cam invited 5 friends and Matt (with the help of Aunyt Katie and Aunty Carol, plus another parent) headed to Moana Pool for hydro slide and pool fun. They had a blast and I think the adults were way more tired. I headed up to take Pictures then Shot back home to prepare the food. Cam wanted Pizza so Pizza and other food it was. They had a ball .
Charli had a fun day too as Gran & Grandad (Linda & Graeme) took her out for the afternoon. So was totally unaware of what 6 years olds get up to at the pool LOL. But it was so much easier to do the things we needed to do without a certain little miss begging for more attention. She said she had a fab time and I am sure she didn't wanna come back from the Grandparents. Bet they were tired though LOL.

Cute kiddies shots

rugby shots

Little super girl...yes they are Cam's underwear and he now will not wear these ones hahaha

Butterfly house with the whole family