Friday, August 15, 2008

Another....yes another

The 13th of Aug was an early start for Matt and I as we headed to Mercy Hospital for Charlotte's grommet op. She was blissfully unaware of anything odd and thought the idea of going for an early morning drive was just dandy. Though she woke up earlier than normal (5.45) she only asked Dad for toast once and was happy with the "not yet" answer.Totally will give Mercy hospital the top rating for children's service and care. They all were amazing. Charli fell in love with a ride on car as soon as we got put thru to the waiting ward. She was first on the list so Matt got the lucky job(again)of holding the child while getting gassed out. I so wish I had taken the camera not only to get pictures of Charlotte looking so cute in the kiddies op gown but of Matt looking super sexy in the theatre scrubs LOL......nice! But All went really well as they only gassed her so not GA needed as she was only out for 15mins. When called thru she was the one screaming with a lovely nurse comforting her. I took over and she continued to scream for a go 20mins. Matt and my arms were tired after. We got to head home by 9.30 so very pleased to have that out of the way and have seen a happier girl since....such a great outcome!
Got some pictures of Charlotte at home not long after. She got given a "Maddie the mercy bear" to bring with cute.

Just like time repeating itself here. I so have very similar pictures of Cam doing the same thing. Well actually I think Cam got his whole head in the bowl but Charlotte was close I tell ya. LOL you think I would worry about what was floating in the bowl of the dog (Tyson's) w
ater but no I run inside to get the camera haahahaha.

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