Monday, August 11, 2008

ok ok I know another post so quick

I know its not like me to post so close together but I am just sorting out the mess in my photo files and what do you know ....I have heaps and heaps to share ! Plus it was a not too bad day here on Sunday so finally got to take our poor house bound kids out to the park. So had to take Camera too.

This is a must share picture...OMG can you see the look on Charlotte's face...this is not her going mad, crazy or having a devil its her trying to push my flash down on my camera when it automatically pops up. I tell ya, its hard getting a picture of her when she thinks so gotta do that!

And the famous hand action shot from Cameron...he is sooooo cool!

At the park on sunday.for some reason Cameron is trying to bolt from the camera at the I quickly told him he couldn't moan if I do not Scrap pages of him if he won't let me get some nice pictures LOL..I managed a few sneaky ones though.

And this is Charlotte's new past time activity! Wrestling her brother too the ground, half suffoca
ting him and not moving off him LOL...he loves it until he finds it hard to breathe.

Cute family one LOL..minus the person holding camera as normal

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