Friday, September 5, 2008

August has gone...where did that time go?

Where did august go? I think I blinked and missed it totally.
Anyway the computer is crying out to be decluttered so best post some more pictures before I off load them to disk.
Cam had a mini world cup for soccer..For this they had three 10 miin games. His team won 2 draw 1 so fab outcome. His team has done so well over the season only loosing one game due to most of us parents thinking the game was canceled as it was raining that morning. Try tell Cam his has lost a game is like getting him to eat veges all day LOL. So on their last game they were already talking about playing next year. They had 2 young boysMicheal and Matthew(well they are probably 19 LOL) coaching them again this year and the whole team just loves them to pieces! And yah they are planning on coaching them again next season but one(Micheal) is going to Brazil for most of the season to further his own soccer career. Amazing boys anyway!

Charli and my walk to the beach..we decided to go for a walk before picking up Cam from school due to little miss only sleeping an hour at lunch time. Charlotte lovedthe walk, esp since she was wearing her new dora sandles LOL....abit big but a girl kows what she wants. Oh and she loves her taggy blanket at the mo too so that had to come with us as well

Cams sleep over....Cam had his first ever sleep over last weekend at his friends Oliver's house. WE dropped him off a 12 on sat and he was there til sun nearly 4 oclock. I felt like a very neglectful mother not having my son all weekend. Anyway he was fab and I didn't even get my night phone call like I thought I might. He went on this kids 4 wheeled motor bike on the sat..wicked aye! And then the next day they did all sorts inclucing pool and hydro slide. Cam came back buggared! He lost the plot about 30mins after returning home! Try telling him he was tired but that didn't go down well. Anyway after another 30mins he found some sense and just chilled out abit. Over all a very successful first sleepover.

Mean mummy moment LOL... Ok so charli's hair always looks like a mess so we just helped her along by adding som props LOL...she loved it.

Charli at rainbow coffee group ....having alittle moment..she was coming over to me to have a wee sulk so I got the camera out and shot her movements ...mean mummy!

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